Startup setttings


rezina-cli runmaster


-H or --host, the ip of machine running rezina master, the default value is IPv4 address of fully qualified domain name, If name is omitted or empty, it is

-P or --port, master_port, 12345 by default.

-D, run master as a daemon process, example: rezina-cli runmaster -D

-L or --log_dir, rezina log directory, you should use absolutely path for this option. every typology has its own log file which name is the same with typology name, you could find the error which tells why typology does not run correctly. it is ~/rezina/log by default.

-W or --worksapce, workerspace directory. you should use absulotely path for this option. ~/rezina/workerspace by default. when we run a python function in a module with rezina, it is actually running on rezina workers, therefore workers must have the module and then import the function and run it.

To do this, rezina will send all files under workspace directory to workers, so you should put python files into workspace directory. but this does not mean we need put all depandencies into workspace, if you imported some third-part python libs in your module, there is no need to put them into workspace too, just make sure all workers also installed these libs and can be imported by python. when typology run, workers will import those libs as python dose and run your function.

-HP or --http_port, the port for access web console, 31218 by default, after master started, you could open broswer and go to master_ip:31218 to see the web console.

-R refresh (or recreate) DB file, it is False by defaut, this is a error prone option, rezina master is a sevice set, and every service need a tcp address for communcating with workers, after the first time rezina master started, actually all tcp_address of services include master_ip and master_port are stored in db, if rezina master stoped (killed by accident or poweroff), when we re-run master without -R option, it will use those saved tcp_addresses and then master can still talk to workers.

If your really want change master_ip and master_port, stop all workers first and restart master with -R option.

this option is only effect tcp_address of service, the other options(except master_ip and master_port) take effective every time re-run master


rezina-cli runworker


-H or --host, master_ip

-P or --port, master_port. (default 12345)

-WIP or --worker_ip, worker_ip, this is the ip of machine used to connect master.

-D run worker as a daemon process, it is False by default


rezina-cli runconsole


-H or --host, master_ip

-P or --port, master_port (default 12345)

you could use console to see settings

start console with rezina runconsole

run list settings in console


single machine

rezina-cli runmaster -D

rezian-cli runworker -D

rezina-cli runconsole


rezina-cli runmaster -H -P 11111 -D -L /path/to/log -W /my/exist/dir/contain/python

rezina-cli runworker -H -P 11111 -D -WIP

rezina-cli runworker -H -P 11111 -D -WIP

rezina-cli runworker -H -P 11111 -D -WIP

rezina-cli runconsole -H -P 11111