run python code with rezina

Start master and workers

In single machine

start master with

rezina-cli runmaster -D

start worker with

rezina-cli runworker -D


start master with

rezina-cli runmaster -H master_ip -D

start worker with

rezina-cli runworker -H master_ip -WIP worker1_ip -D

rezina-cli runworker -H master_ip -WIP worker2_ip -D

Write python code and put it in workspace

cd ~/rezina/workspace


sourc code:

#!/usr/bin/evn python

import urllib2
import urllib
import json

def get_cities():
    cities = ['Beijing', 'Berlin', 'New York', 'London', 'Tokyo', 'Paris',
              'Chicago', 'washington', 'Venice', 'Houston']
    return cities

# get city weather data from yahoo weather api
def get_city_weather(city):
    baseurl = ""
    yql_query = "select item.condition.text from weather.forecast \
                 where woeid in (select woeid from geo.places(1) \
                 where text='%s')" % (city)
    yql_url = baseurl + urllib.urlencode({'q': yql_query}) + "&format=json"
    result = urllib2.urlopen(yql_url).read()
    data = json.loads(result)
    # because resule from yahoo api does not include the city name, we add it.
    data['city'] = city
    return data

# process diffrent output and convert data to a simple format
def one_word_conditions_for_city(city_weather_result):
    simple_format_data = {}
    simple_format_data['city'] = city_weather_result['city']
    if city_weather_result['query']['results'] is not None:
        weather = city_weather_result['query']['results']['channel']['item']['condition']['text']
        weather = "Unkonw"  # simplely set unkonw when result is not avaliable
    simple_format_data['weather'] = weather
    return simple_format_data

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for city in get_cities():
        print one_word_conditions_for_city(get_city_weather(city))

Write typology to run this code in parallel

cd ~/rezina/workspace


source code

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from import get_ip
from rezina import TypologyBuilder
from rezina.backends import Stdout

from cityweather import get_cities, get_city_weather, one_word_conditions_for_city

ip = get_ip() # change to your master_ip
tb = TypologyBuilder(ip, 12345, 'weather_typo')
tb.add_hydrant(get_cities).add_notch(get_city_weather, 1, 10)
tb.add_notch(one_word_conditions_for_city, 1, 1)
tb.add_bocca(Stdout, persistent_mode='stream')

if __name__ == "__main__":

note: replace ip = get_ip() to ip = your_master_ip if master_ip is given when start master.

Run code with rezina

run code with


note: it will run the code but not immediately, it will run like this, presume the time your run the script is 2016-12-03 20:18:03, the first time run is at 2016-12-03 20:18:10 and the second run is at 2016-12-03 20:18:20 and next.

if you want run it immediately, use start_time like this:

tb.restart(start_time="2016-12-03 20:18:03", interval=10")

the first run will be at 2016-12-03 20:18:03 and the second is at 2016-12-03 20:18:13

see periodically schedule

Press ctrl-c to stop.

manage typology

you could use console or web console to manage typolog, include start, stop restart remove, launch more process for one task.

rezina-cli runconsole -H master_ip

access http://master_ip:31218 in broswer.